Foundation Relations helps foundations navigate the College of Letters & Science, find faculty and programs of interest, and arrange for campus meetings, tours, and convenings. Foundation Relations matches College strengths and priorities with private funders’ interests in the areas of research, academic programs, and outreach projects.
Foundation Relations serves as a College-wide resource to support all departments and programs. Foundation Relations focus on cultivating and managing relationships with private foundations and aligning innovative research and strategic initiatives to fund investment priorities. Foundation Relations specializes in:
- Prospect identification
- Relationship building
- Proposal development
- Stewardship
If you are a foundation representative and would like more information about matching your priorities and interests with opportunities and resources in the College of Letters & Science, please email the director of foundation relations, Randall Gentry, at randall.gentry@supportuw.org or at foundationrelations@supportuw.org.
If you are faculty or staff within the College of Letters & Science, please contact Randall Gentry to schedule a consultation on your idea or project.
The University of Wisconsin Foundation
The University of Wisconsin Foundation is the official fundraising and gift-receiving organization for the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The Foundation is the university’s development and financial partner.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the difference between the Officer of Research and Sponsored Programs and Foundation Relations?
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) is part of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. Its purpose is ensure pre- and post-award compliance with federal and non-federal grant terms and conditions. RSP assists with the review, submission and negotiation of grants, contracts and cooperative agreements. In addition, RSP will manage subawards/subgrants that Letters & Sciences receives from another entity.
Foundation Relations (OFR) is part of the University of Wisconsin Foundation. Our mission is to facilitate engagement between private foundations and the College of Letters & Science, fostering partnerships and securing resources to advance the College’s research and educational mission. We identify and disseminate non-federal funding opportunities, help match projects or programs to funder interests, develop engagement strategies, and compose proposals on behalf of the College of Letters & Science. We can also support faculty in developing their rhetoric for both scientific and lay audiences at foundations, frame content for letters of interest (LOIs) and proposals, and assist with donor stewardship including reporting.
When should I contact Foundation Relations?
Please contact us if you anticipate any contact with a foundation, including submitting a proposal to a foundation. Feel free to reach out to Foundation Relations whenever you have a question related to a foundation, an existing grant or a funding opportunity. In some cases, we may refer you to other campus colleagues, but we are happy to field all inquiries.
What is the difference between a gift and a grant? How are they managed and what does it mean for me?
Grants can come from federal, non-federal non-profit (e.g., foundation), or non-federal for-profit (e.g., corporation) entities. Grants have sponsor-imposed requirements, typically including financial and technical progress reporting, explicit periods of performance, intellectual property terms, and are usually provided to support discrete research projects. Grants are administered on a funder-dependent basis by Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP). Often, but not always, foundations with professionalized staff (i.e., program officers) provide grants rather than gifts.
Gifts can come from individuals, private foundations, corporations, or family foundations. Gifts either are not subject to an exchange of consideration or may have minor sponsor-imposed considerations such as stewardship reporting. They are often made in support of fellowships, scholarships, programs, or capital projects, and can also include endowments. Gifts are administered by the University of Wisconsin Foundation.
Foundation Relations can assist with the development of any proposal to a foundation entity, even if the proposal will be submitted and/or administered by RSP. Please feel free to request our assistance with any letter of interest (LOI) or proposal to a private foundation or non-governmental philanthropic organization.